Friday, September 30, 2011

Florida Marketing Consultant Jay Berkowitz to Make Keynote ...

Posted by admin on September 30th, 2011 at 01:10am


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Florida Marketing Consultant Jay Berkowitz to Make Keynote Presentation to Business Development Board

Boca Raton, FL (PRWEB) November 11, 2006

Florida internet marketing consultant Jay Berkowitz, CEO of Ten Golden Rules, will explain the ins and outs of internet marketing in his highly-regarded internet marketing presentation, ?The Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing: Executive Edition.? This keynote presentation will take place on November 16, 2006 from 8:30am to 10:00am at the Governors Club, located at 777 South Flagler Drive, East Tower, West Palm Beach, Florida. Tickets are and you can register at: Palm Beach Business Development Board

Online retail sales will rise to over 0 billion this year. Words like SEO, SEM, PPC, and Blogging are on executives? lips. You Tube just sold to Google for over Billion, has become the #6 ranked site on the internet in just 2 years. While many executives can appreciate the vast potential internet marketing has to offer their company, defining which internet marketing and consulting services to use can be difficult. One Florida marketing consultant rises to the challenge to demystify internet marketing for Palm Beach corporate executives.

During this internet marketing presentation, Mr. Berkowitz will examine the ?New Internet Boom?, what it means for business, why it is for real this time, and how to capitalize on internet marketing and consulting services before your competitors do. You will learn:

How to improve your website so it shows up in Google searches

How to use You Tube, MySpace and other Web 2.0 sites in your marketing

How to generate positive return-on-investment with online advertising services

What online business models are working, and not working today

How to build ongoing relationships with the customers who visit a website

How to capitalize on the Ten Leading Trends in internet marketing today.

About Jay Berkowitz

Jay Berkowitz is a dynamic Florida marketing consultant. He has managed marketing departments for Fortune 500 brands: McDonald?s Restaurants and Coca-Cola, and has managed online and offline programs for AT&T, Sprint, and leading health and fitness website

Mr. Berkowitz is the Founder and CEO of internet marketing and consulting services company, a Florida marketing consultant based in Boca Raton. Ten Golden Rules helps companies get more traffic to their websites, and convert that traffic into sales. Mr. Berkowitz is the author of The Ten Golden Rules of internet marketing presentation and The Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing Workbook. He is the immediate Past President of the American Marketing Association South Florida Chapter and a Founding Board Member of the South Florida Interactive Marketing Association.



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Tags: Berkowitz, Board, Boca Raton Fl, Business, Business Development Board, Business Models, Consultant, Corporate Executives, Development, East Tower, Executive Edition, Florida, Florida Internet, Florida Marketing, Google, Internet Boom, Internet Marketing Consultant, Keynote, Marketing, Marketing Presentation, Myspace, Palm Beach, Palm Beach Business, Palm Beach Florida, Presentation, Prweb, South Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach Florida

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Simple Mind Improvement: Aspects of Your Mentality that Need ...

This is an inspirational self improvement video. It talks about the mind, where self improvement starts. This video will help you harness the amazing power of your mind and you can and will achieve whatever goals you set yourself. Apply effective mind improvement tips and start realizing your true and infinite potential.


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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bill Gassett's Real Estate Blog: 3 Types of Home Equity Loans

When looking to take money out of an existing home or other Real Estate borrowers often have a decision to make on what is the best method to do so. There are basically three financing options that are available to home owners. These include a cash out re-finance, home equity loan or a home equity line of credit (HELOC).

Determining which of these type of loan options will work best basically comes down to what purpose the money is going to be used for.
Unfortunately being in the Real Estate field, I often come across folks who have over extended themselves and find that they have created undue hardships .

Going back ten years ago this was not so much of a problem as Real Estate markets around the country were booming and a home was an investment windfall.? Every few months the value of homes would continue to rise and did so for over a decade. Of course all good things must come to an end eventually and now we are left with property values decreasing in most areas.

When the economy and Real Estate values are soaring it is hard not to look at a home as a giant piggy bank from which you can tap at a moments notice. When times are tough however, you may regret taking your equity for granted by pulling it out of the home.

If you click on the link below you will find a guide to help you determine whether borrowing against the equity in your home via a home equity line of credit (HELOC), home equity loan or a cash out refinance makes the most sense. To continue reading see home equity loans.

About the Author: The above Real Estate information on home equity loans was provided by Bill Gassett, a Nationally recognized leader in his field. Bill can be reached via email at or by phone at 508-435-5356. Bill has helped people move in and out of Metrowest Massachusetts for the last 25+ Years.


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The Weekly Newsroom: 'Shares of Video Game Companies Swing ...

I thought this article was particularly interesting this week, since so many gaming sites (and?bloggers)?provide reviews. The article describes the very significant effect which?these reviews,?especially those on large sites such as Metacritic and IGN, have on video game stocks.

According to the article, ?one of the reasons why video game reviews carry so much weight with investors is because avid gamers tend to rely on them to help make purchasing decisions.? Of course, reviews are not always an accurate reflection of a game?s quality. But according to the article, stockholders place enough importance on them that some?companies will even hire research firms to write ?mock reviews,? in order to predict the public reception prior to a game?s release.

As we head into the ?holiday season,? there is increasing hype surrounding the long list of new titles due to be released. And as we know, some companies have decidedly more to prove.

That little review you?re planning on writing for on an upcoming release? Who knows? Maybe it will someday be read by potential investors. Or at the very least,?by other gamers. Because like shareholders, ?we also?have the power to determine the success of certain game titles, and even companies.

In other news, I hope that the back-to-school transition has been relatively smooth for everyone. It?s been a busy week, but I hope to make more time for blogging as my schedule becomes more concrete. Most of you out there can probably relate: I have about 5 articles ?on-the-go? on my netbook, but I just need the time to finish them!

I did, however, manage to post today on my other blog, The Frosted Spoon. If you?re in the mood for something sweet, check it out! :)

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Has Neal Stephenson become too accessible?

The blurb on the back of my review copy of Neal Stephenson's new novel, "Reamde," described it as "his most accessible novel to date." I frowned when I read those words: Accessible? This was supposed to be a good thing?

In my house, the arrival of a new Neal Stephenson novel every few years (or, in the case of his epic three-volume "The Baroque Cycle" masterpiece, every six months) is always an occasion for great celebration -- as well as an associated dramatic collapse in work productivity. That's been the case ever since I fell in love with "Zodiac: An Eco-Thriller" in 1988 and was enraptured, along with almost every other science-fiction geek, by "Snow Crash" in 1991. A large part of the allure is Stephenson's uncompromising inaccessibility, his marvelous, sui generis ability to marry complexity, ambition and profound geekiness into a riveting narrative.

Let's review, briefly, Stephenson's last three offerings. "Cryptonomicon" wove the entire history of the modern computer, from Alan Turing onwards, into a wild yarn featuring Nazis, gold and Linux geeks. "The Baroque Cycle" trilogy raised the stakes impossibly further: He covered? the story of the Enlightenment, including the birth of science and the evolution of money. With pirates and harem girls! Most recently, in "Anathem," he structured his tale around fundamentally gnarly questions of existential discourse that have been bedeviling the smartest human minds for thousands of years.

Rare indeed is the writer of speculative fiction who can tell a ripping yarn that simultaneously explores the deepest roots of technology and philosophy. That's what fans like about Neal Stephenson. And that, I have to say, is not what we get from "Reamde." Ripping yarn? Sure. Massive ambition? Not so much. How the universe works? Zip.

"Reamde" is a thriller whose basic plot is almost embarrassingly simple. Bad guys -- Arab terrorists -- want to kill a lot of people. Good guys try to stop them. In the end, there is a truly epic gun battle. Along the way, we have stops in China, the Philippines and a fantasy role-playing game universe that is just different enough from World of Warcraft to be mildly interesting.

There is filigree over all of this that only Stephenson could conjure. The intersection of the virtual world (catering to the "all important Chinese teenager market") with the machinations of al-Qaida is unexpected and innovative, involving a fatal collision between a computer virus and Russian gangsters. Stephenson's longtime fans will surely be amused by the Apostropocalypse, a diversion into fantasy semiotics that sheds some light on the constructed history of the gaming world created by "Reamde's" protagonist -- and most interesting character -- Richard Forthrast. But whereas in past novels the filigree would reflect deeper structures in unusual and provocative ways, in "Reamde" the filigree is just filigree. There's nothing beneath the baroque surface.

Now, if anyone has the right to take a break from plumbing the Big Questions of What it All Means and to divert himself with a lesser undertaking, it would be Stephenson. Only a churl would begrudge him such a privilege. Putting aside the daunting question of how even a writer of Stephenson's talents could continue to keep topping himself every time out, there's no reason why he shouldn't head in a different direction every now and then. What's more -- I thoroughly enjoyed "Reamde." I couldn't put it down -- which, for a thriller, has got to be the highest praise. Despite its 1,000-plus pages, "Reamde" moves right along.

Richard Forthrast, a gaming tycoon with a somewhat disreputable past involving marijuana smuggling across the Canada-U.S. border, is one of Stephenson's more well-drawn creations, a little creaky, a little worn around the edges -- the kind of character that "Snow Crash's" much younger author could never have captured with such telling detail. And Stephenson's trademark humor, along with his knack for capturing in exquisite detail the niceties of how technology intersects with daily life, is fully present.

Consider the GPS device:

The GPS unit became almost equally obstreperous, though, over Richard's unauthorized route change, until they finally passed over some invisible cybernetic watershed between two possible ways of getting to their destination, and it changed its fickle little mind and began calmly telling him which way to proceed as if this had been its idea all along.

Anyone who has ever disobeyed the dictates of their GPS unit knows exactly what Stephenson is talking about, but few of us are clever enough to extrapolate that feeling to a vision of the "cybernetic watersheds" that now surround us. There are numerous such insights in "Reamde," tucked in between the constant attempts of the novel's characters to kill each other with a wide assortment of lovingly described weaponry. But throughout, one gets the sense that Stephenson is consciously dumbing down his observations to make them comprehensible to the widest common denominator.

Which is interesting, because a younger Stephenson once told me that he had no interest in dumbing himself down.

I had asked him whether he cared that mainstream readers might be taken aback by the inclusion in "Cryptonomicon" of some fairly dense material on cryptographic theory.

"Not really," he says. "When it comes down to it, the few pages of the book that have equations on them don't contain a whole lot of plot or character development. So if you skip over that stuff you miss very little."

Indeed, to refrain from including the hard stuff, says Stephenson, would be tantamount to giving into what he sees as a popular reluctance to face up to the implications of technological progress.

"To me it seems like there is a kind of a strange denial in a lot of our culture, about just how important science and technology have been this century," says Stephenson. "There's just an unwillingness to come to grips with it at all. I don't deprecate people who feel that way, but I do think that at the end of a century like this one it's not the end of the world if you toss an equation into a work of art."

There are no equations in "Reamde." Oh sure, there's a level of discourse about virtual world economics and computer viruses that you won't find in 99 percent of the other thrillers lining the bookshelves of your typical airport bookstore. But there is nothing hard, nothing that will trouble your brow as you sit on the beach with your margarita in hand, and massive tome (or Kindle) cradled on your lap.

Maybe that's a good thing -- maybe it will expose Stephenson to a wider audience than ever before, and pay the mortgage and the college tuition and whatever else he might need while he gets to work on his next mind-blowing epic saga. He certainly hasn't done anything with "Reamde" that will make me any less interested in seeing what he's got up his sleeve next.

But I still feel a little wistful. In the course of writing this review, I reread my reviews of his previous novels, and I was caught up by a paragraph in my piece on the concluding volume of "The Baroque Cycle":

Staring at my 11 pounds, 3,775 pages, roughly 2 million words of Stephensonia, I feel the queasiness of a boa constrictor who has rashly swallowed not one, not two, not three, but four water buffalo. This act of digestive hubris has paralyzed me. How is all this to be reduced to manageable size? Where does one begin? Stephenson doesn't just care about technology and money and excrement -- he cares about the intersection of God and science, the emergence of democracy, the rethinking of religion, the birth of the digital computer, and the abolition of slavery. All are mixed in with a love story, an action thriller, the search for Solomon's gold, an intellectual duel to the death between Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton, and the rise and fall of kings and nations.

Reading that review, I felt a sudden urge to reread all of "The Baroque Cycle," no matter how intimidating the prospect. But I don't expect I'll ever want to reread "Reamde." "Reamde" is disposable Stephenson. You can take it to the beach, and when you're done, give it to someone else and not look back.


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Friday, September 16, 2011

Bring It With You

Article Directory :: Self-Improvement/Motivation Articles

Music & Medicine

Earlier this year I spent some time with my parents, helping out as my mother recovered from surgery. Their neighborhood pharmacy in Somers, NY is privately owned, the kind you might remember from your childhood, where the pharmacist actually knows your name. One day while stopping by to fill a prescription for my mother, the pharmacist and owner, Matt Golden, informed me it would be a few days before I could pick it up, as that particular medication needed to go through the referral process.

"Wait a minute," he said, as he reached over the counter. "Just so you don't go away empty-handed, here's something for your mother. Tell her I hope she feels better." It was a homemade CD that included a few choice selections from his music library.

Later that week when I returned, I told Matt how much the music had lifted my mother's spirits. As he handed me the prescription, there was another CD to bring home. Glancing at the pharmacy shelves, Matt explained, "This is what I do so I can support my passion." That passion is obviously music as anyone can hear upon entering his pharmacy. Rather than that irritatingly bland background music that makes you want to bolt and run your errands another day, Matt's customers are treated to thoughtfully assembled selections from his personal collection of music from the 30's, 40's and 50's. As customers walk through the aisles accompanied by Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and Tony Bennett, some have commented, "It's actually a pleasure to wait for a prescription."

Thus far, my parents have received seven CDs from Matt's private picks.

It Doesn't Have To Be Drastic

While sometimes big changes are needed to fulfill your life's passion, it's not always necessary to carve out an entirely new career path. You might choose to do the same thing you're doing now but in a new way or to make a subtle change that makes a huge difference. For some people, passion is directly related to the fields they choose. For others, passion exists alongside the career, each supporting the other.

Matt's example shows us that it's not just a matter of finding passion at work; it's also about bringing your passion with you to work. By sharing what brings him joy personally, Matt creates a better experience for his customers.

Let The Joy In

What would bring more joy to your work? During my corporate career and while in a role as a sales support director, I started the tradition of bringing an inspirational quote to weekly production meetings. It made me feel more positive about the week's looming deadlines and as it turns out, others came to rely on these quotes for some weekly inspiration. It's a small example, but these can be very telling in terms of what brings us joy and fulfillment. Sharing motivational insights was something I brought to work regardless of the job description simply because it made me happier to do so.

Bringing it with you means showing more of who you are and what you're passionate about.

This Week:

How could showing more of yourself at work make a difference for you and others? What tells you that you've "put your own stamp" on something? What passion of yours would you like to share with more people? What's one small way you could you do that? How about a BIG way? Don't leave yourself at home. Bring your passion with you to work.

VIRGINIA KRAVITZ, Career and Life Coach, founded In the Current to serve accomplished professionals who want to move boldly in new directions and start living with a greater sense of joy and abandon. Ginny's e-zine, published every other Tuesday, is entitled Current of Life. Visit at:

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

As Susquehanna recedes, towns assess Lee's damage (AP)

HARRISBURG, Pa. ? Tens of thousands of people forced from their homes in Pennsylvania were hoping to return and assess the damage Saturday as the Susquehanna River receded from some of the highest floodwaters ever seen from the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee.

In northeastern Pennsylvania, officials hoped to lift an evacuation order Saturday afternoon for about 70,000 residents in and around Wilkes-Barre. The level of the Susquehanna River had dropped to about 32 feet on Saturday morning and was expected to be back within its banks at about 29 feet, Luzerne County Commissioner Maryanne Petrilla said.

"We're asking people to be patient because we have a lot of logistics to work out with transportation and getting utilities turned on," Petrilla said. "We know people are anxious to get home, but we don't want them to go to a home that has no power or to an area that is still flooded."

The Susquehanna crested Thursday at nearly 42.7 feet in Wilkes-Barre, higher than the record set during catastrophic Hurricane Agnes in 1972, and at 25.7 feet in Binghamton, N.Y. The river reached a 15-year high of 32.4 feet Friday at the Conowingo Dam in northeastern Maryland.

At least 15 deaths have been blamed on Lee and its aftermath: seven in Pennsylvania, three in Virginia, one in Maryland, and four others killed when it came ashore on the Gulf Coast last week. President Barack Obama declared states of emergency in Pennsylvania and New York, opening the way for federal aid.

Binghamton Mayor Matt Ryan said officials were working on modifying evacuation orders issued in flood-prone neighborhoods so that people whose homes weren't flooded could return as early as Saturday. Some of the 20,000 evacuated Binghamton-area residents had begun returning Friday.

"We're going to redraw the lines to make sure anyone who should go back, can go back so they don't feel like they're doing anything wrong," Ryan said.

Ryan could not say when the orders would be lifted, noting that inspectors would need to check for any safety hazards from flooded gas and electric utilities.

Most of the 1,000 residents of Port Deposit, Md., were told to evacuate because of flooding expected from the opening of flood gates at the Conowingo Dam to relieve pressure on the Susquehanna. Cecil County officials will decide when residents can return after a damage assessment Saturday afternoon, spokesman Mike Dixon said.

"This is going to take a while. There is still water in Port Deposit," Dixon said.

In central Pennsylvania, a nighttime curfew remained in effect in flood-stricken parts of Harrisburg. One person was arrested for looting, Mayor Linda Thompson said.

Ellie Martindale, a retired nurse who has lived in Harrisburg's riverfront neighborhood of Shipoke for 30 years, was one of the first residents to return Saturday since city officials ordered an evacuation Thursday.

Because her home is elevated, built over a first-floor garage, Martindale said the damage was minimal ? mainly mud washed in by about 4 feet of river water that also ruined the drywall in an entranceway leading out of the garage.

"The mud is on the floor and on any surface it could settle," she said. "It's lovely stuff. It clings."

Martindale said she plans to remain in a downtown hotel until her house is cleaned up ? hopefully only a few days more.


Walters reported from Philadelphia. Associated Press writers Martha Raffaele and Ron Todt in Philadelphia and Alex Dominguez in Port Deposit, Md., contributed to this report.


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Saturday, September 10, 2011

2 Thumbs Up For Home Demolition Project | Pepper Paints

Date: 2011.09.08 | Category: addition/remodel, Columbus, homeschooling, Nature, Ohio, Outside, Uncategorized, unschooling | Tags: brick patio,broken dishes,builder,concrete,concrete patio,demo,demolition,demolition project,Ebert,flatware,flickr,foundation,garage,Home,home demolition,home improvement project,house,husband,marbles,old stuff,oneida,photo,photos,project,railway,Silversmiths?,Siskel,trash,treasure,triple cocktail,video,yard

Just a quick update on our home improvement project. We have been busy cleaning up and taking up the rest of the garage foundation and the rest of our 10 inch thick concrete patio that has a brick patio underneath it.? The permits should be back any day and our ?list?of things to do so the builder can get started? has just taken priority over everything else.

One of the things I have been excited about is the possibility of finding treasures when we dug up the yard for the foundation. I have been told our house once held the original farm house for this area. Most of the existing house was built in the 4o?s so there could be old stuff as well as newer ?trash.? I have found some broken dishes and?marbles?out back.

Over the weekend my husband found our first treasure! An Oneida lmtd Silversmiths? Triple cocktail or olive fork.



I think it is railway or cruise ship flatware. I can?t wait to see what we dig up next!!

Here is the video of our garage demo?in case the photos weren?t enough for you! You can view it in live action. I?m pretty sure Siskel and Ebert would give it 2 thumbs up!





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Cyber Warfares Concept Still Haunts International Community ...

56d6NAGING2BPARTNER2BOF2BPERRY4LAW2BCEO2BPTLB 150x150 Cyber Warfares Concept Still Haunts International Community?If we do not have an Internationally Acceptable Definition and Legal Framework for concepts like Cyber Law, Cyber Security, Cyber Forensics, Cyber Warfare, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Espionage, etc, Dissatisfaction and Chaos is bound to occur. Thus, International Harmonisation of Legal Framework in these fields is Urgently Required. This is more so when Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has empowered the Individuals with Powers and Capabilities that are far beyond contemplation in traditional Warfare?.?

Cyber Warfares Concept Still Haunts International Community

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Friday, September 9, 2011

The top 10 singles and albums on iTunes (AP)

iTunes' top 10 selling singles and albums of the week ending Sept. 5, 2011:


1. "Someone Like You," ADELE

2. "Pumped Up Kicks," Foster the People

3. "Moves Like Jagger (Studio Recording from `The Voice' Performance) (feat. Christina Aguilera)," Maroon 5

4. "You and I," Lady GaGa 5. "Lighters (feat. Bruno Mars)," Bad Meets Evil

6. "Mirror (feat. Bruno Mars)," Lil Wayne

7. "Cheers (Drink to That)," Rihanna

8. "Stereo Hearts (feat. Adam Levine)," Gym Class Heroes

9. "Party Rock Anthem (feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock)," LMFAO

10. "Love On Top," Beyonce


1. "Tha Carter IV," Lil Wayne

2. "I'm With You," Red Hot Chili Peppers

3. "21," ADELE

4. "Nothing But the Beat," David Guetta

5. "Watch the Throne," Kanye West, Jay-Z

6. "1," The Beatles

7. "Barefoot Blue Jean Night," Jake Owen

8. "Torches," Foster the People

9. "Hell On Heels," Pistol Annies

10. "Sigh No More," Mumford & Sons


iTunes is owned by Apple Inc.


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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fidel Castro breaks long silence with interview

HAVANA (AP) ? Fidel Castro has broken a long silence by granting an interview to a Venezuelan television station, his first since rumors began to spread that the former Cuban leader might be sick or near death. A top Cuban official said Thursday that the revolutionary is in good health.

Photographs of the sit-down with a journalist from Venezolana de Television were posted on Cubadebate, a state-run website. The 85-year-old appears relaxed and healthy in the pictures, sitting in an easy chair and wearing a white Windbreaker and green pants.

The website says the interview occurred Tuesday in Havana, but it has not yet been broadcast and it was not immediately clear when it would be.

"I hate to inform those who are enjoying themselves by believing that Commandante Fidel has had a stroke that he is alive and kicking," the Venezuelan journalist who conducted the interview, Mario Silva, was quoted as saying on the website.

Cuban Parliament Chief Ricardo Alarcon also weighed in on the health rumors that have sprung up in recent weeks, saying Castro "is well and enjoying good health."

"Fidel himself said it awhile ago: The day he dies nobody will believe it because they have killed him so many times," he added.

Castro has not appeared in public since a Communist Party summit in April, when he seemed unsteady and unusually frail. He has all but stopped writing his trademark opinion pieces, and didn't make a statement or release a photograph on his birthday last month.

The silence has led to a fresh round of death rumors from Miami, propagated on exile radio and television stations and through social media sites such as Twitter. Castro's health was even the subject of a computer virus embedded in a spam email titled "Fidel is Dead."

Castro stepped down temporarily, then permanently, in July 2006, handing power over to his brother Raul. He stayed out of the public eye for four years before bursting back on the scene in 2010. But after a flurry of appearances, the former Cuban leader went silent again.

The television interview would be Castro's first this year, though photographs and video of him meeting with Chavez and other visiting dignitaries have been released.


Paul Haven can be reached at

Associated Press


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World markets tumble on renewed US recession fears

A man looks at an electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo, Monday, Sept. 5, 2011. Asia-Pacific stocks took a beating early Monday after jobs data out of the U.S. last week revived fears of a recession in the world's largest economy. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)

A man looks at an electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo, Monday, Sept. 5, 2011. Asia-Pacific stocks took a beating early Monday after jobs data out of the U.S. last week revived fears of a recession in the world's largest economy. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)

(AP) ? World stock markets took a beating on Monday after a report showed U.S. companies stopped hiring in August, reviving fears that the world's largest economy is heading back into recession.

The lack of hiring in the U.S. last month surprised economists, who were expecting about 93,000 jobs to be added. Previously reported hiring figures for June and July were revised lower. The unemployment rate held steady at 9.1 percent ? it has been above 9 percent in all but two months since May 2009.

The jobs crisis has led President Barack Obama to schedule a major speech Thursday night to propose steps to stimulate hiring.

Traders waited for signs that the U.S. Federal Reserve might take action at its September meeting to support the economy ? perhaps a third round of bond purchases, dubbed quantitative easing III or QE3, analysts said.

"Right now the possibility has increased," said Linus Yip, a strategist at First Shanghai Securities in Hong Kong. "I think they have to do something. The markets are expecting QE3."

Amid the uncertainty, traders pulled out of any risky investments ? such as stocks, particularly financial ones, the euro and emerging market currencies ? to pile into safe havens: U.S. Treasuries, the dollar, the Japanese yen and gold.

European shares slumped in early trading. Britain's FTSE 100 dropped 2.9 percent to 5,136.36. Germany's DAX fell 4.7 percent to 5,280.13, and France's CAC-40 tumbled 4.6 percent to 3,003.64.

Markets in the U.S. were closed for the Labor Day holiday.

Banking stocks were among the hardest hit after the U.S. government on Friday sued 17 financial firms for selling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac billions of dollars worth of mortgage-backed securities that turned toxic when the housing market collapsed.

Among those targeted by the lawsuits were Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., JP Morgan Chase & Co., and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Large European banks including The Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank and Credit Suisse were also sued.

Renewed jitters over the eurozone debt crisis also contributed to the slump in financial stocks amid concerns they would need to raise new capital. Deutsche bank was down 9.4 percent in Frankfurt while Societe Generale in Paris shed 9 percent.

An international debt inspectors' review of Greece's finances was interrupted on Friday amid disagreements over the country's deficit figures. The review will be resumed in about 10 days and must be completed in order for the country to receive its bailout loans at the end of the month.

Signs that the Italian government's commitment to its austerity program is wavering have also shaken investors. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government has backtracked on some deficit-cutting measures, prompting EU economic officials to urge it to stick to its promised plan.

The economic indicators, meanwhile, were mostly downbeat. Although retail sales in the eurozone rose unexpectedly in July, a survey of the services sector showed a slowdown across the continent for the fifth consecutive month.

The purchasing managers' index for the eurozone showed the services sector was still growing ? unlike the manufacturing sector ? but only barely. That will add pressure on the European Central Bank to keep interest rates on hold when it meets this week.

"Indeed, the latest data and surveys suggest that the ECB's eventual next move could actually be to trim interest rates, although it is likely to need sustained eurozone economic weakness and possibly even GDP contraction to get the ECB to perform a U-turn on interest rates," said Howard Archer, economist at IHS Global Insight.

In Asia, indexes closed sharply lower. Japan's Nikkei 225 stock average sank 1.9 percent to close at 8,784.46, with sentiment also undermined by the persistent strength of the yen, which hurts exporters.

Australia's S&P/ASX 200 fell 2.4 percent to 4,141.9, and South Korea's Kospi slid 4.4 percent to 1,785.83. Hong Kong's Hang Seng slid 3 percent to 19,616.4. Benchmarks in Singapore, Taiwan, New Zealand and the Philippines also were down.

Mainland Chinese investors worried about the economic outlook dumped shares, dragging Shanghai's benchmark Composite Index down 2 percent to 2,478.74, its lowest close in 13 months. The Shenzhen Composite Index lost 2.4 percent to 1,097.07.

Investors seeking a relatively stable store of value during times of economic turbulence in financial markets have been scooping up gold, sending its price up 50 percent over the past year.

In currencies, the euro weakened to $1.4078 from $1.4187 in New York late Friday. The dollar was roughly flat at 76.92 yen. Last month, the dollar fell under 76 yen, which was a new post-World War II high for the Japanese currency.

Benchmark oil for October delivery was down $1.85 to $84.60 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Crude fell $2.48 to settle at $86.45 on Friday.

In London, Brent crude for October delivery was down $1.66 at $110.67 on the ICE Futures exchange.


Pamela Sampson in Bangkok and Fu Ting in Shanghai contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Congress returns amid sour mood over slow economy

(AP) ? Still bruised by the summer battle over the debt ceiling, Congress reconvenes this week for what could be an equally painful confrontation over how to put Americans back to work.

Lawmakers returning to Washington after a monthlong recess are in accord on at least one thing: Jobs policy must be at the top of the agenda. But there's scant hope they will put aside their differences long enough to come up with legislation that makes measurable improvements either to the unemployment rate or Congress' dismal approval rate.

Even the main attraction of the first week back, President Obama's speech to a joint session of Congress outlining his jobs policy, had to be pushed back a day, until Thursday. Republicans balked at letting Obama pre-empt their party's presidential debate on the first day the House is in session.

When Obama does get to the House podium, he's likely to get a cool reception from the GOP side of the aisle. Republicans may go along with tax break proposals but won't be friendly to ideas to extend jobless benefits or spend money on new construction projects.

House Republicans have prepared an autumn jobs agenda that centers on repealing what they say are job-destroying environmental and labor regulations. The first bill, slated for the week of Sept. 12, would prevent the National Labor Relations Board from restricting where an employer can locate in the United States. It grows out of a complaint issued by the NLRB that Boeing Co. was punishing union workers with plans to transfer an assembly line from Washington state to South Carolina.

The anti-regulation bills are likely to hit a dead end in the Democratic-controlled Senate. But the threat of them prompted Obama last week to scrap tougher Environmental Protection Agency regulations on ozone, a key ingredient of smog that causes asthma and other lung illnesses.

While talking jobs, lawmakers will have one eye on the initial meetings of the supercommittee established under legislation enacted in early August to increase the federal debt ceiling. The bipartisan committee has until Nov. 23 to come up with at least $1.2 trillion in deficit cuts. If it fails to do so or if Congress fails to approve its recommendations by Christmas, automatic spending cuts covering both defense and domestic programs would be triggered starting in 2013.

More immediately, Congress must stop itself from actually causing unemployment. Obama, in his address, is expected to urge lawmakers to act swiftly to renew aviation and surface transportation programs and avoid shutdowns that he said could put 1 million jobs at risk.

The Federal Aviation Administration has been operating on short-term extensions since 2007 because the House and Senate can't agree on a comprehensive plan for the future. Earlier this year, the FAA had to shut down for two weeks, resulting in tens of thousands of construction worker layoffs and $400 million in uncollected airline ticket taxes. The agency will shut down again on Sept. 16 unless Congress acts.

Similarly, the law that authorizes federal spending for highway and mass transit programs expires on Sept. 30. A stalemate there could disrupt collection of the 18.4-cent-a-gallon federal gas tax and have a far more devastating effect on construction jobs.

House Transportation Committee Chairman John Mica, R-Fla., said at the end of August that he would agree to one more short-term extension, the eighth, as he negotiates with the Senate on a long-term bill. Mica has proposed a six-year, $230 billion bill financed entirely by gasoline and diesel taxes. The Senate is calling for a two-year, $109 billion bill that would rely on $12 billion appropriated by Congress in addition to the fuel tax revenues.

Not all is negative on the congressional job front.

On its first day back Tuesday, the Senate will vote to move forward on the most extensive revamping of the patent system in six decades. Senate passage of the measure, already approved by the House, would send it to Obama, who agrees with most members of Congress that the legislation will make it easier for inventors to get their products to market and thus encourage hiring.

There's also some optimism that Congress will soon sign off on free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama that have been in limbo since the George W. Bush administration.

Before the August break, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said they had agreed on a path forward for renewing a program that helps workers affected by foreign competition and passing the trade bills, and House Speaker John Boehner also promised a vote on the worker aid bill which Obama says must be linked to the trade agreements.

The administration and supporters of the trade bills say they will generate tens of thousands of jobs. Some labor unions and other skeptics of free trade dispute that conclusion.

Also looming is the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year, when Congress is supposed to have completed the 12 appropriation bills to fund federal agencies for the coming fiscal year 2012. So far the House has passed only half of those bills, and the Senate only one, and as in past years they will have to agree on temporary stopgap extensions to avoid a partial government shutdown.

Things are a little easier this year because the debt and budget pact sets the overall total for the 12 bills at $1.043 trillion, a $7 billion cut from current levels. Still, there will be heated debate as Democrats seek to restore cuts planned by Republicans to education, environment, foreign aid and other programs.

One such debate will be over funding the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which has less than $800 million in its disaster fund as it faces the Hurricane Irene recovery operation. Democrats say emergency spending on natural disasters has never required repayment, but Republicans say that in this new age of austerity, disaster aid must be paid for with cuts to other federal spending.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thai citizen accused of insulting king on Facebook

Police have arrested a Thai computer programmer on charges of insulting the nation's revered king on a Facebook page, his lawyer said Monday. The charges carry a penalty of up to 15 years in prison.

Surapak Puchaisaeng, a 40-year-old Bangkok resident, was also accused of violating the Computer Crime Act for the alleged defamatory comments, his lawyer Lomrak Meemuean said.

Surapak denied insulting 83-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Police confiscated his desktop and laptop computers, his lawyer said.

Cases involving insults to the monarchy, known as lese majeste, have skyrocketed in recent years, but Friday's arrest of Surapak is the first since a new government took power in August, according to the activist network Freedom Against Censorship Thailand.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung, who oversees national police affairs, last month said cracking down on anti-monarchy websites is high on his agenda.

"Websites with monarchy-insulting content ... cannot exist under this government," Chalerm said, adding he would set up a "war room" to closely monitor the situation.

The lese majeste law covers anyone who "defames, insults or threatens the king, the queen, the heir to the throne or the regent."

The 2007 Computer Crime Act, which prohibits circulation of material that jeopardizes national security or causes panic, carries a maximum jail term of five years and a fine of $3,300.

Critics say the lese majeste law is frequently used as a weapon against political opponents. Almost any critical comment touching on the monarchy can be construed as disloyalty to the institution.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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PM: Israel needn't apologize for self-defense (AP)

JERUSALEM ? Israel's prime minister on Sunday defiantly refused to apologize to Turkey for his military's deadly raid last year on a Turkish-led flotilla bent on breaking the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.

But in his first public remarks since Turkey expelled the Israeli ambassador over the affair, Benjamin Netanyahu expressed Israel's regret for the loss of lives and said he hoped to mend frayed ties with Turkey ? a country that was once Israel's closest ally in the Muslim world.

Ankara had wanted Israel to apologize for the deaths and lift the blockade on Gaza, a Palestinian territory run by Hamas militants with a long history of deadly violence against Israel.

But Netanyahu said Israel, in trying to keep arms from reaching Gaza, had nothing to apologize for.

"We don't have to apologize for acting to defend our civilians, our children and our communities," Netanyahu told his Cabinet and journalists.

But he tempered those tough words by telling Turkey that Israel "expresses regret" over the deaths.

"I hope we will find a way to overcome the dispute with Turkey," Netanyahu said. "Israel never wanted ties with Turkey to deterioriate, and Israel does not now seek a deterioration of ties."

The expulsion of the Israeli envoy from Turkey followed the leaking of a U.N. report on the bloodshed. The report defended the Israeli blockade of Gaza and acknowledged violent activists on board the blockade-busting Mavi Marmara ship had attacked the raiding naval commandos.

But it also accused Israel of using disproportionate force against the activists and called the deaths of eight Turks and one Turkish-American "unreasonable."

Israel imposed a sweeping land and naval blockade on Gaza in 2007 after the Islamic Hamas violently overran the territory. The aim, it said, was to keep militants from bringing weapons into the enclave by sea, and to put pressure on the 1.6 million Gazans to topple their leaders. But the blockade achieved neither aim.

The bloodshed on the Mavi Marmara sent Israeli-Turkey relations, which have steadily deteriorated since the Islamist-oriented Recep Tayyip Erdogan became prime minister in 2003, sinking to a new low. The sides worked to find a formula that would appease the Turkish demand for an apology, but those attempts failed.

Turkish activists did not join a failed attempt earlier this year to send another flotilla to Gaza, in what appeared to be a sign of warming relations between the two countries. But although there had been indications that Israel might apologize, that did not happen.

Asked if new Turkish conditions, such as the lifting of the Israeli blockade on Gaza, made reaching an accord difficult, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor replied:

"The Turks have upped the ante every time. First it was an apology and compensation. Then they wanted ot shelve the (U.N.) report once they saw the draft. Then they wanted to lift the blockade on Gaza as a condition. There was no end to that."

Palmor said Israel was "trying to contain the crisis and find ways to de-escalate." But he said it was "too early to actually speak about any concrete measures" and added that "we're not going to be pushed and we're not going to be rushed into anything."

He said Israeli officials had ongoing talks with Ankara over the wekeend, but no trips to Turkey or visits to Israel by Turkish officials were planned.


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Monday, September 5, 2011

IAAF to stick with false start rule (AP)

DAEGU, South Korea ? Track and field's governing body has no plans to change its stringent false-start rule for next year's London Olympics despite the disqualification of Usain Bolt in the 100 meters at the world championships.

IAAF President Lamine Diack said no one at his group's meeting Sunday asked for the rule to be reconsidered.

Following Bolt's disqualification on Aug. 28, critics called the zero-tolerance false-start regulation of "one error and you are out" cruel and counterproductive since it eliminated the sport's only superstar from its marquee event.

"We will not come back to the issue of the false start," Diack said. "Bolt had a false start, but that is not going to make us change."

Many, including Jamaican officials, wanted the IAAF Council to reconsider the rule to avoid having a similar issue next year in London. Bolt himself called it a learning experience and did not demand a change.

"I'm not going to say it should be changed," he said after winning the 200 late Saturday. "It has taught me a lesson, focus and stay in blocks. My coach has been telling me this for months.

"The guy with the gun gives the command and we should listen and not anticipate the gun and I've learned from that and wish to move on from that."

Diack pointed out that Bolt was on his side of the debate and insisted the current system was the best available option.

Until 2003, the rule allowed every runner a second chance. But too many false starts delayed the schedule of events. At first it was tightened to allow just one false start per race in sprints. But certain sprinters deliberately false started to put everyone on guard.

And then last year, the IAAF tightened the rule to the extreme and punished every false start with disqualification.

Bolt was not the only high-profile casualty. Dwain Chambers also was eliminated in the 100 and Olympic 400 champion Christine Ohuruogu false-started in the heats.


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Online Templates VS Flesh and Blood Graphic Designers

Graphic designers?or graphic artists?plan, analyze, and make visual solutions to communications problems. They notice the foremost effective thanks to get messages across in print and electronic media using color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various print and layout techniques, graphic designer develops the general layout and production design of magazines, newspapers, journals, corporate reports, and different publications. They also turn out promotional displays, packaging, and marketing brochures for products and services, style distinctive logos for products and businesses, and develop signs and signage systems?called environmental graphics?for business and government. An increasing variety of graphic designers additionally develop material for web web content, interactive media, and multimedia comes. Graphic designers conjointly may produce the credits that appear before and once television programs and movies.
The first step in developing a new style is to see the needs of the client, the message the look should portray, and its charm to customers or users. Graphic designers take into account cognitive, cultural, physical, and social factors in designing and executing designs for the target market. Designers gather relevant info by meeting with purchasers, creative or art directors, and by performing their own analysis. Identifying the needs of shoppers is turning into increasingly vital for graphic designers as they continue to develop company communication strategies additionally to creating styles and layouts.

Graphic designers prepare sketches or layouts?by hand or with the aid of a computer?to illustrate their vision for the look. They select colours, sound, artwork, photography, animation, form of sort, and alternative visual elements for the planning. Designers conjointly select the dimensions and arrangement of the different parts on the page or screen. they?ll create graphs and charts from knowledge for use in publications, and they usually check with copywriters on any text that accompanies the look. Designers then present the completed design to their purchasers or art or artistic director for approval. In printing and publishing firms, graphic designers conjointly could assist the printers by selecting the type of paper and ink for the publication and reviewing the mock-up design for errors before final publication.

Graphic designers use specialized laptop software packages to help them produce layouts and design parts and to program animated graphics.

Graphic designers typically supervise assistants who follow instructions to complete elements of the design method. Designers who run their own businesses also might devote a substantial time to developing new business contacts, choosing equipment, and performing administrative tasks, like reviewing catalogues and ordering samples. the need for up-to-date laptop and communications equipment is an ongoing consideration for graphic designers.

Work setting. operating conditions and places of employment vary. Graphic designers employed by massive advertising, publishing, or style firms usually work regular hours in well-lighted and comfy settings. Designers in smaller style consulting companies and people who freelance typically work on a contract, or job, basis. they frequently alter their workday to suit their clients? schedules and deadlines. Consultants and self-employed designers tend to figure longer hours and in smaller, additional congested, environments.

Designers may fit in their own offices or studios or in clients? offices. Designers who are paid by the assignment are besieged to please existing clients and to search out new ones to keep up a steady income. All designers generally face frustration when their styles are rejected or when their work isn?t as creative as they wish. Graphic designers may fit evenings or weekends to meet production schedules, particularly in the printing and publishing industries where deadlines are shorter and more frequent.


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Sunday, September 4, 2011

World leaders back new Libyan administration (AP)

PARIS ? World community, meet Libya's new leaders. That was the message of an international conference in Paris on Thursday that was short on substance but full of symbolism.

Leaders and envoys from 60 nations and world bodies such as the United Nations met for talks with Libya's rebel-led National Transitional Council to map the country's future after Moammar Gadhafi's ouster. They vowed to free up billions of dollars in frozen assets and offered to help Libya rebuild, while stressing that it is the Libyan people themselves who must lead the way.

World leaders cautioned that while Gadhafi is still at large, the work of war is not yet done ? and the tough slog of nation-building looms after the six-month, NATO-backed rebellion can be formally termed a revolution.

"We cannot afford a failed pariah state on Europe's borders," said British Prime Minister David Cameron, who hosted the conference with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. "We will all lose if the Arab Spring gives way to a cynical winter of repression."

Normalcy is far from ensured. Libya is rife with water, gas, and electricity shortages. Weapons pillaged from bombed-out or raided Gadhafi military installations flow through the country and abroad ? possibly to the benefit of Islamic militants in the region. Libya's crucial oil and gas infrastructure, which made it one of Africa's richest nations, has been hobbled.

"They still have a huge hill to climb," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said. "But they are working with the international community to secure both chemical weapons stockpiles as well as conventional weapons. They are taking action against extremism wherever they find it."

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon urged the Security Council to decide quickly on deploying a civilian mission to stabilize Libya. Other leaders at the conference called on the Security Council to take more steps to unfreeze tens of billions of dollars in assets held by Gadhafi's regime that were squirreled away in foreign banks but blocked by a U.N. resolution against him.

Sarkozy said that some $15 billion in frozen assets were being "immediately unblocked," but he did not indicate which countries the money came from. Any such unblocking would need U.N. approval. As of Thursday morning, the U.N. had only approved the unblocking of about $6 billion from banks in the United States, Britain and France.

In a final communique, delegates also urged the U.N. to welcome the National Transitional Council "as the legitimate delegation representing the Libyan people."

For the NTC to be recognized as the government of Libya, the U.N. General Assembly's Credentials Committee must accept its credentials. The committee is expected to meet in the next few weeks.

In exchange, the world leaders pressed NTC leaders to make firm commitments to democracy and transparency. Rebel spokesman Mahmoud Shammam said that the NTC members will not run for office for four years once elections are organized, as a way to ensure completely new leadership.

"We have to make sure that we fulfill our side of the deal," Libyan rebel leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil said. "We must have security in Libya. Tolerance and forgiveness must be promoted. The state of law must be respected."

Gadhafi, who remains in hiding, has vowed never to surrender, and his loyalists continue to fight in several cities. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the alliance's military operation will continue as long as needed to protect civilians.

Libyans at Thursday's meeting expressed concern about the possible use of chemical weapons by Gadhafi supporters, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said. Western government weapons experts, however, believe that loyalist forces no longer have the hardware to deploy the weapons, after repeated NATO-led airstrikes on military targets.

Clinton told Libyan opposition leaders that they must deal with the case of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the only person convicted in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing. The ailing al-Megrahi was released from prison in Scotland in 2009 on compassionate grounds, then returned to a hero's welcome in Libya.

Al-Megrahi, an ardent Gadhafi supporter, is now reported to be near death at his home in Tripoli.

"He should be behind bars," Clinton said.

Clinton told Jalil and the head of the rebels' acting Cabinet, Mahmoud Jibril, that they would have to "grapple" with the al-Megrahi matter and look for a "just and appropriate response" to American concerns, said U.S. officials who spoke about the private meeting on condition of anonymity.

The State Department said Clinton would not link Libyan cooperation on the issue to U.S. cooperation in unfreezing Libyan assets.

Several countries stepped forward to help Libya stabilize and rebuild.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel ? who kept her country out of the NATO mission ? offered "our experience of a dictator in Germany and how to overcome the past peacefully." She also offered help rebuilding hospitals and transport and a robust police force.

Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi pledged Carabinieri paramilitary police to help Libya, its former colony, train police officers and secure borders. Norway's prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, said the oil-rich Nordic country had offered expertise in the oil and gas sector, to help ensure the country's oil wealth is distributed and taxed fairly.

Russia, which had criticized the NATO operation, gave a boost to the meeting by recognizing the rebels as Libya's interim leadership hours before the talks started.

China, a big investor in Libya, agreed at the last minute to send an envoy. Algeria, harboring Gadhafi's wife and three of his children, did, too. But neither moved to recognize the rebels.

Thursday's talks weren't expected to dramatically change the game in Libya, at least not in the short term. They're largely an opportunity for the Libyans to make their case for rebuilding their nation and to gain global support. Many countries are claiming credit for Gadhafi's ouster ? and jockeying to reclaim Libya's oil.

Thursday's meeting formally put an end to the Contact Group on Libya, and transformed it into a "Friends of Libya" group that will hold its next meeting in New York later this month.


Jim Heintz in Moscow, Slobodan Lekic in Brussels, Scott McDonald in Beijing, Bjoern H. Amland in Oslo, Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations and Greg Keller and Matthew Lee in Paris contributed to this report.


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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Zaozhuang, Shandong Agricultural ?rule of three? quick upgrade ...

Article by hi joiney

In 2009 Zaozhuang City Shandong Province Agricultural Machinery Departments carry out the quot safety responsibility to implement the Year quot four major battles and quot fighting rule violation arrested responsibility quot three steps to actively promote agricultural safety quot the three building quot agricultural quot three rate quot increased by 10 percentage points respectively all Annual agricultural roads accident not occurred to ensure that the agricultural production safety situation continues to stabilize One is to strengthen capacity building for agricultural safety emergency Conscientiously implement the agricultural laws and regulations to further improve the city and district agricultural safety emergency plan and health departments were combined in Tengzhou City Taierzhuang District Xuecheng Qu Shanting carry out agricultural and other emergency safety drills to enhance Construction supervision of the farm machinery to improve the handling capacity to respond to emergencies Second earnestly implement the responsibility system for safety The full implementation of the agricultural production of A Pair of safety responsibility signed their responsibility to shape to business targets at different levels to the district city township to the individual and reward and punishment were put in place stringent measures Tengzhou on agricultural quot three rate quot less than 40 of the township shall be counted as zero when the examination Taierzhuang District Shanting security objectives under sub files for ease of assessment stratified according to different grade level reward and punishment effective supervision for the conduct of business Third standardize agricultural supervision service Established a safety supervision public security department joint enforcement mechanism and increase the safety inspection of agricultural machinery in strict accordance with the national security of the agricultural technical standards do not meet state standards do not pass the required inspection and accreditation are not allowed to fail on the card At the same time actively carried out propaganda and education on agricultural safety agricultural safety universal knowledge and enhance their awareness of safety hand agricultural machinery agricultural machinery to create a good atmosphere of safety Fourth to actively explore to improve agricultural quot rule of three quot new way Agricultural departments at all levels beginning of the year under the Council 39 s five measures and actively carry out special rectification to ensure the city 39 s agricultural quot three rate quot has increased steadily Tengzhou city in Shandong Province in 2004 during the renewal of agricultural machinery operators failed to apply for driver 39 s license driver 39 s license status of national unity and actively provide information services to the agricultural hand has made nearly 2 000 letters of which 900 people came to apply for a change permit procedures Taierzhuang area through the quality service to win the trust of machine hand the squadron every day to reach the first line supervisors on site to handle the business machine hand procedures working hours per person per day in 10 hours Through active work the city 39 s agricultural quot three rate quot is steadily rising According to the entire province Zaozhuang city agricultural quot three rate quot higher than the provincial average which agricultural inspection rate agricultural machinery drivers permit rate increases are relatively large the province ranked third and fourth


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Guthrie Softball winners of their last two ... - Guthrie Sports Page

> Guthrie Softball > Guthrie Softball winners of their last two; Shawnee?looming

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The Guthrie Softball program picked up wins 9 and 10 early this week, but more importantly piled up two more district wins.

The Lady Jays traveled to El Reno, on Monday, and escaped with a 5-4 win before returning home the following night and had a much easier time with Bishop McGuinness with an 11-1 win.

Guthrie improves to 10-12 overall and 3-1 in district play. The Lady Jays are well on their way of eclipsing last year?s 14 win season.

Up next is another district game when sixth ranked Shawnee makes a trip to Guthrie on Friday afternoon. The district game will be a rematch of the August 25th game between Guthrie and Shawnee in the Shawnee Tournament.

The Lady Wolves led 7-0 after the first two innings, but the Lady Jays rallied to out score Shawnee the rest of the way, 4-1, in a 8-4 loss.

August proved to be a busy month for Guthrie with 22 varsity games in 22 days, including three tournaments.


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Friday, September 2, 2011

A very special student feels at home at ?the home of arts4all? | Knight ...

By Evy Schiffman, Community School of Music and Arts

It?s Saturday afternoon, and the ceramics instructor at the Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA) is prepping students for their first experience with throwing clay on the wheel. One of the teen students, Jordan, is particularly excited to explore this new artistic outlet after his experience with other CSMA classes.?Jordan participates in a program providing students with special needs, including developmentally disabled and autistic students, the opportunity to explore their creativity, gain new experiences in the larger community, and become integrated into CSMA?s general course curricula whenever possible. CSMA?s music and art programs provide experiences with drawing, painting and sculpting as well as playing marimba and singing.

Jordan, shown working with his teacher Jo, loves working with clay in his class at the Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA).

So far, drawing has been Jordan?s main passion. ?I am very famous for my shading with?pastels,? he says. ?A lot of people look at my pictures and say ?wow.?? Jordan?s teacher describes him as an ideal student because he?s not afraid to ask questions and knows intuitively that with art there is no right or wrong. ?I wish there were more students?like Jordan in my class.?

Jordan is only one of many students who helps CSMA live up to its tagline as being ?the home of arts4all.? At the core of the nonprofit?s mission is accessibility to high-quality arts education for people of all ages, abilities, aspirations and financial means. And although accessibility is not synonymous with equity, CSMA?s vision and commitment are to include both in conversations about its programs and the people it serves.

Art work created by special needs students on exhibit at the Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA).

Jordan clearly loves being at CSMA. ?I like being at a place with real professional artists. I?feel at home here, and I learn a lot!? His family can see the benefits created for Jordan through his arts experience. ?Coming to CSMA has provided Jordan with a creative and therapeutic outlet to express how he feels,? says his mother, Stephanie. ?He draws every day at home and loves giving his art to others as gifts.?

With ceramics, Jordan is experiencing the intellectual as well as tactile experience of?working with clay and articulately explains that firing clay in the kiln involves science as?well as art. When asked how creating art makes him feel, Jordan thinks for a moment?and sums it up in one word, ?calm.?

?Our special needs students take great joy in sharing their work at end-of-semester exhibitions and performances,? says CSMA art school director Linda Covello. ?They are probably our most enthusiastic students, regardless of age, taking great pride in being artists and in sharing their accomplishments with family and friends.? At CSMA, students like Jordan are definitely what is meant by being ?the home of arts4all.?


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